Welcome to Her Time Has Come

Hi, I'm Willow Taylor, a 9th grader at the Nueva School! Welcome to my page and my podcast.

There have been three things that have stuck with me since I was little: feminism, podcasts, and journalism. So, this year, when our school gave us free reign on a year-long assignment, I decided that it would be a perfect time to combine all three into one project.

Thus, Her Time Has Come, a podcast that tells the stories of female leaders and their experiences being a successful pioneer in this world. Each episode will interview a woman in a position of power from a different field and experience and ask her about her story of getting to the top.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, if you would like to be the star of an episode, or if you have any internship opportunities for high school to college students in journalism or politics.

Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy!